Hi! I'm Mark Agrios. I live in Chicago and am pursuing my Neuroscience PhD at Northwestern University. I'm interested in
computational, mathematical, and theoretical neuroscience as well just math by itself. Currently, I am working in the
Miri Lab studying how brain areas communicate with each other.
Publications [* first author]
*Agrios, M., *Koh, N., *Wang, P., *Kristl, A., *Savya, S., Hsu, S., & Miri, A. (2024).
Distributed muscle activity state specificity across motor system neurons.
(submitted to Journal of Neuroscience)
*Kristl, A., Koh, N., Agrios, M., Savya, S., Ma, Z., Basrai, D., Hsu, S., & Miri, A. (2023).
Interactions between motor cortical forelimb regions and their influence on muscles reorganize across behaviors.
(submitted to Nature Communications)
Koh, N., Ma, Z., Sarup, A., Kristl, A., Agrios, M., Young, M., Miri A. (2023).
Selective direct motor cortical influence during naturalistic climbing.
(in revision at Nature Neuroscience)
Saiki-Ishikawa, A., *Agrios, M., Savya, S., Forrest, A., Hsu, S., Basrai, D., Xu, F., Miri A. (2023).
Hierarchy between forelimb premotor and primary motor cortices and its manifestation in their firing pattern.
eLife pdf.
Durian, S., Agrios, M., Schwartz, G. (2023).
Optimal Burstiness in Populations of Spiking Neurons Facilitates Decoding of Decreases in Tonic Firing.
Neural Computation pdf.
*Agrios, M. (2022).
A Very Elementary Introduction to Sheaves.
arxiv preprint pdf.