Hi! I'm Mark Agrios. I live in Chicago and am pursuing my Neuroscience PhD at Northwestern University. I'm interested in
computational, mathematical, and theoretical neuroscience as well just math by itself. Currently, I am working in the
Miri Lab studying how brain areas communicate with each other.
Publications [* first author]
*Agrios, M., *Koh, N., *Wang, P., *Kristl, A., *Savya, S., Hsu, S., & Miri, A. (2024).
Distributed muscle activity state specificity across motor system neurons.
(about to be submitted to Journal of Neuroscience I swear)
*Kristl, A., Koh, N., Agrios, M., Savya, S., Ma, Z., Basrai, D., Hsu, S., & Miri, A. (2024).
Interactions between motor cortical forelimb regions and their influence on muscles reorganize across behaviors.
(submitted to Nature Communications)
*Koh, N., Ma, Z., Sarup, A., Kristl, A., Agrios, M., Young, M., Miri A. (2024).
Selective direct motor cortical influence during naturalistic climbing.
(in revision at Nature Neuroscience)
Saiki-Ishikawa, A., *Agrios, M., Savya, S., Forrest, A., Hsu, S., Basrai, D., Xu, F., Miri A. (2024).
Hierarchy between forelimb premotor and primary motor cortices and its manifestation in their firing patterns.
eLife pdf.
*Durian, S., Agrios, M., Schwartz, G. (2023).
Optimal Burstiness in Populations of Spiking Neurons Facilitates Decoding of Decreases in Tonic Firing.
Neural Computation pdf.
*Agrios, M. (2022).
A Very Elementary Introduction to Sheaves.
arxiv preprint pdf.